It started having a little conversation when I went to my neighbor to visit. We talked about our life until our topic reached teaching. I mentioned my desire to work right after gradtuation if given the chance to volunteer. Fortunately, the neighbor I was talking to was teaching the Out-Of-School-Youth every weekend under the Alternative Learning System (ALS) which offers a free education for those who cannot afford formal. The program provides a viable alternative to the existing formal education instruction, encompassing both the non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills implemented by Department of Education.
I found it interesting as I always wanted to share what I have to others. So, I volunteer to teach computer stuff. There were 300 Out-Of-School-Youth and I handled 63 students in one session.The class was divided into two groups since there was only one computer unit and I taught the fundamentals of computer from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Saturdays.
During the first day, the students were so noisy and I didn’t know what to do with them. It’s hard for me to adjust and I did have difficulty getting their attention. I felt discouraged at first because when I came in, the students ignored my presence and they just kept going in and out from the class. I asked myself, "How did Ma'am Gen handle these students?" I thought I couldn't but yes I did! I was strict when I introduced myself for I wanted them to know that I mean business. I told them that I will start my lesson unless they will be quite. Then they listened. As I was discussing, they became interested in the topic I presented. It was a mixed emotion that I felt. In that aspect, I was quiet successful.
One of the students I had was a 73-year old named Conrada. I was really surprised because despite of her age she still wanted to learn. She was not ashamed to join the class, which I found so brave of her. I asked her why she decided to join this program when she had to spend her whole time in school every Saturday; she smiled with teary eyes and told me, “Because we’re not only meeting one person everyday of our lives. We will still encounter more people, so at least I know some things that will enable me to join the conversation.”
I had other students aged 16 who were not able to study in high school. Others are 20’s, 30's and even 40's. . Most of them wore only slippers in school. Some came from far places and they just walked going to school on weekends.
With what I have experienced, I make a lot of realization. I learned that students need to realize that every teacher has a message about something they truly can explain. Yet at the same time the teacher needs to be open to the students so that learning becomes reciprocal. We never know enough or know it all. The road will always be pretty rocky.
I also felt sad of how unfair life is at times for those less privileged individuals but at the same time I felt lucky that despite of growing up in a poor family, with all my sacrifices and problems that I thought I can’t pursue with my studies, still I have survived and here I am about to graduate! I feel so lucky and blessed!
Ma'am Gen asked me once why I have joined and volunteered myself. I told her the reason and it was because I have an angel who helps me in reaching my goals in life. And to spread the great thing and at the same time to reciprocate what my angel did to me, I want to help others too. Being a teacher is not really my interest but helping and sharing to others is a rewarding experience; more worthy than a diamond. The spiritual payment is priceless! We often meet new people; we can learn a great deal from each other, and we can always feel the excitement of trying on new things. I’m quite proud of myself for this little mission of mine hoping that the chain of sharing and helping will continue and will spread.