Halo-halo? You might think that my life is yummy and delicious but it’s not. I am in my senior year now and one of my subjects is Philosophy – Logic and Ethics. Here, I learn a lot. I always remember our instructor telling us that life is coupled with problems. Definitely true! Sino ba ang walang problema dito sa mundo?
We people in this fruit salad are all bounded by so-called – limitations and rules. Sometimes we find it really hard to live with all those expectations set by society. It is irritating to know that one needs to be accepted to gain respect which also means that one needs to do things even if sometimes he/she doesn’t feel like doing it.
But what is the reason behind our existence as human beings in this fruit cocktail world? Is it doing what others expects us to do or doing what we want to do even if it’s not what they expect from us? But life is a great mystery, right? And it will be sweeter to discover and unfold the secrets of like in your own.
There are times that the limitations that are being set bu societ are not the maximum of our abilities. There are times that we can go far beyong those limitations. There’s nothing wrong in going beyond as long as we know that we can defend it. we must keep in mind that the great people of old times became outcasts too for they strived to reach that far and go beyond those limitations in society. There are times for sure that we could huirt other in order to discover our own strengths and weaknesses. There are times also that we need to give-up to the sweetness of victory.
My life has always been like that. Sometimes I cry then laugh afterwards; sometimes I’m happy and other times I’m sad. And just like halo-halo, my life is a mixture of ingredients to make it more delicious.
We should speak up even if sometimes there’s stupidity. I usually speak up but there are times I end up crying like a fool. Nevertheless, I find it more important to speak up so I wouldn’t erupt. I have experienced heartaches, being misunderstood by my peers and relatives, confusion, anger, hatred. But beyond those ups and downs in my life, still I smile, and I learn to stand on my own stronger than before.